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Django Rest framework provides a set of abstractions on the top of django.

This package provides an abstraction on the top of Django Rest framework.


Mixin for anonymous users.

How to use

from django_fast_utils.auth.generics import AnonymousAuthentication
from rest_framework.views import APIView

class MyView(AnonymousAuthentication, APIView):


Django rest framework doesn't append permission_classes on inherited models which can bring issues when it comes to call an API programmatically, this way we create a metaclass that will read from a property custom from our subclasses and will append to the default permission_classes.

How to use

from django_fast_utils.auth.generics import AuthMixin
from rest_framework.views import APIView
from rest_framework.permissions import IsAdminUser

class MyView(AuthMixin, APIView):
    permissions = [IsAdminUser]

MyView.permissions # Returns IsAuthenticated (default from AuthMixin) and IsAdminUser

Django Fast Utils allows to extend the permissions on every inherited view without overriding anything.


No permissions applied to the views. Only used when no permissions (auth) is not needed for specific cases.


Used to inject the request.user into serializers when needed.

How to use

from django_fast_utils.auth.generics import RequiredUserContextView

class MyView(RequiredUserContextView, ListAPIView):

class MySecondView(RequiredUserContextView, APIView):

    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        serializer = MySerializer(, context=self.get_serializer_context())